Friday, November 26, 2010

Customer Service at its best!

Today I had to attend a meeting at a private company (In the Financial Service Sector). I arrived on time and tried to park the vehicle in front of the allocated Parking Lot. In a few minutes walks the Security Guard saying "This slot is for the Building Owner". So I tried to park it in another slot and the guy says, "This slot is for the next door company (Cannot mention Names). This really made me annoyed and I asked where the heck they want me to park? Then he replies saying I need to take the back road and park at some other park.

I raised my voice and said I was to meet the GM of the particular company who told me parking is available (Which was true!). By this time the foreign parties who were to join with me had parked the Hilton hired vehicle and I mentioned that they are for the same meeting. Finally I was so annoyed I thought I will make a huge complaint and decided to try the other car park which the guy mentioned. I suddenly noticed a board in an empty slot which said "Reserved for {the name of the company}". I really lost my temper and asked the guy "What does that board mean and cannot I park there!" Finally he allowed me to park and I walked out of the place to the building (Of course in a VERY HAPPY MOOD :@).

On my return the guard wasn't there and the lady guard who was watching the whole incident early was Around. I proceeded to take the exit gateway and realised no one opening the gate and from my rear mirror noticed that the lady Security guard turning the other way pretending she didn't see me. I had no choice but to reverse to the entrance gate and asked "Why no one opens the exit gate!"

She said "That is operated by the next door company and they open it only for their customers!" !@#%$#%^#&*~

Now that is when a customer feels "WOW, ISN'T it GREAT? What an excellent service!" I returned office thanking myself for not being a customer of that companyand promised myself I will never endorse the company or the products.

"This explains how a Gatekeeper can chase business out of the company!" This is not my first experience and  will not be the last or sure!

Please share similar Experiences!

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