Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Planning Process an Overview

In the beginning came the Planners.
And then the Assumptions.
Computers hummed, Words were polished,
Models were refined and Numbers crunched.
Draft upon Draft as comments poured in.
Then one day, Planning stopped ... there it was,
The "Final Draft" neatly printed and bound.

Next came the "buy-in" working bottom-up.
The Plan made it's way from desk to desk,
In development, through service, out to sales then back.
But darkness fell upon the face of the workers,
For the Assumptions were without form, and
The Plan was without substance.
They spoke among themselves and sent feedback
"The Plan is a crock and it stinks."

And News of the Plan traveled up the line,
Supervisors went unto their Managers and said to them,
"The Plan is like a container of fertilizer with a strong odor."
The managers met and rushed to the VP's saying,
"The Plan contains that which stimulates growth,
And employees say it is very powerful."
The Vice Presidents went together unto the President and said,
"The New Plan is very powerful and will stimulate growth."

The President looked upon the Plan,
And saw that it was good.
The Plan was ratified, and an order went forth,
"Final Draft" was replaced with "Approved."
And that is how S(tuff) Happens in Business.

Sadly the Author is unknown

Friday, April 27, 2012

To Doodle or not to Doodle is the question?

I am a big fan of Mindmaps and used them during my studies. I have even advised my students to use Mindmaps as a method to retain things in mind.

Following article is a good example of how institutes and companies should encourage Doodling. Visual impressions are the best.


Friday, February 10, 2012

To Blog or not to blog that is the question?

Blogging is all about a weblog one maintains. I was wondering of what I should blog about? Should it be just about anything or should it be educational? Well I guess a bit of both would be great.

So here I plan to be more active than last year! Please feel free to share your experiences and thoughts!

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