Monday, February 17, 2020

Guide for online Conversions

Creating Landing Pages
1. The landing page that opens from the email must match the promotional copy. Same look and feel.
2. Avoid directing to home page. Use landing pages.
3. Avoid asking too many questions on the landing page to avoid abandonment.
4. Navigation bars can be a distraction that can avoid the prospects completing the Call to Action (CTA)
5. Keep it short and simple, write professionally. 
6. Keep a simple colour format and use contrast to highlight CTA
7. Use one CTA per page with exception on a home page
8. Use single column design for simplicity and mobile responsiveness
9. Use social proof - from reviews/recommendations/ratings from Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc...

Remember you have 8 seconds to grab attention.

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